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Naperville, Bolingbrook & Plainfield

WSEA Tutoring - Tutoring for K-12 Students

Wilson Assessment (WADE)

Practice Tests


The Wilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding is given to a student individually by one of our Wilson trained staff.

It is given at the beginning of instruction to evaluate a student’s specific knowledge of sounds, words and sight words for reading and spelling. It is an effective tool for tutors and parents to know exactly a student’s strengths and challenges. This also allows WSEA Tutoring to place each student in the appropriate level of the Wilson method.

Parents will receive a copy of the assessment with actual sounds recognized, words read and spelled by category, to identify students’ areas of difficulty or gaps in phonological instruction. This will be accompanied by specific recommendations from our staff, for effective individual tutoring instruction, leading to success for each student.

We will contact you with appointment options to schedule your test exam after purchasing. All tests will be given at our Naperville location at 1260 Iroquois Avenue Unit 306 in Naperville, IL.

*Please note these tests are for practice only and may not be used for an official capacity.

SKU: 99999999-7 Categories: , ,

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